Friday, 18 January 2013


 Are we thought how the society running without the people who chose odd jobs for our and their sustenance? How this people living their life merely selling snacks and bangle or performing band?

I am leaving in a world of hardship and misery.
People of the land who are living day to day with acute hardship for merely sustenance  have no idea about internet even computer.
They are doing various odd jobs for their living and livelihood.

I sometimes thought how could a person survive with such insecurities with no bank balance,health insurance,no benefits.But in India they are well surviving,with mal-nourishment,low blood pressure,
food insecurities .

This time I decide to show these people around without whom we hardly ever exists.

Thanks for viewing my page.

Happy Shuttering.

Sweet seller
Cane bucket maker
Prasad seller
Imitation jewellery 
Snacks seller
Band Player
Stone crockery seller

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